Experiential Marketing

Reunification Clinics & Market Storms

The Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority (UFAA) was established pursuant to the Unclaimed Financial Assets Act, 2011, Laws of Kenya. The primary mandate of the Authority is to receive unclaimed financial assets from holders of such assets and safeguard and reunite the assets with their rightful owners. UFAA is also mandated to educate and create public awareness about its mandate.

EnM Group was appointed as the event manager and tasked with conceptualizing and executing reunification clinics in Eldoret and Embu Counties, including:

  • Conceptualizing the grand event and the exhibition.
  • Organizing and mobilizing the required resources/manpower to manage the event.
  • Creating a theme for the events in alignment with the objectives.
  • Providing a master plan comprising all aspects of the event.
  • Managing on-site ground and roadshow activations.
  • Implementing market storms.
  • Deploying branded ambassadors on the ground during key market days along the route map.